  Caution: Changes Ahead
It's official, the word is out: I'll be starting a new job soon. Looks like my last day at my current job will be Feb 9th. I will still be at the California Dept of Water Resources, but I will now be working in power rather than construction engineering projects.

This is a change in direction as far as work exposure and projects worked on. But a good change and I'm interested to see where it goes. I said 2006 was the year to 'BE READY' well, this year has started on a change. I knew for a while that this is something I may have been pursuing. The boss that hired me into the enigineering position at DWR completed his MBA at UC Davis, then proceeded to work his way around (working in the executive wing, then in the federal side of things, back over to executive, then they liked his work and knowledge so much, the govenor appointed deputy decided to create a new branch within DWR to analyze and put forth a businees plan to keep the dept competitive in the energy game especially after the power crisis a couple of years ago as we were the only state agency that was able to enter into any of the power contracts on behalf of the state) and after talking with him I thought it would be a great way to continue to work with great people and expand my knowledge more into the businees side of things. I've been thinking about the posibility of going for my MBA for a little while now and I think this will give me a lot of great exposure to make a bit more of an edcuated decision on that.

So my new fancy-smancy title will be: Assoicate Hydro Electric Power Engineer. The position will entail a lot of the many facets of the power industry. We actively enter into power contracts, both for the long and short term, and in a variety of different arenas to supply our power. The contracts are also based in the policy of California's politics and how the assembly and senate decide our power goals should be. For instance we stay away from a lot of the higher polluting sources and try to maintain a higher percentage of cleaner sources while looking out for the states economics.

My position is brand spanking new, and I'll be working with our portfolio of contracts and actively engaging in the power market as well as looking for possible changes to our system to optimize our use and disribution of. An current example was a small reservoir we put in up in the grape vine. This reservoir gives us flexibility when we pump water up the hill, we are able to purchase power during off-peak use and then generate during the high-demand, higher profit timeframes.

Anyway, I may plan to take a little time off in between assignments, so if you've got any good ideas of things to do, places to go, books to read, let me know. And pray for snow!!!


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Location: sacramento, California, United States

currently living in sac, ca. working for water resources. went to ucd in civil, grew up in turlock, ca. there is a lot to say about me, i am constantly redefining myself everyday. i think the things i do define who i am on a certain level. although the more i communicate and interact with others the more i find out about myself. i can be completely happy without interaction with people though. when i run, when i bike, i am completely in my own thoughts, sometimes i just pay attention to my surroundings, other times, my mind is going a million miles a minute. sometimes i have such a big picture perspective, other times i will really focus on something specific. i'll keep living, learning, experiencing...

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