March 2006 Log - 31 days in month (4 sat, 4 sun) - 20 days worked - 1 holiday - 1 friday off - 1 sick day (down to ttown) - 4 days of vb - 2 days biking: • 49.66 mi • 16.9 mph ave - 10 days running: ~ 49 mi - 2 days of basketball
So here are a couple of pics of my latest mode of transportation, a 2001 Suzuki GS 500. I figured I'd been doing enough riding via leg power, it may be time to have an alternate mode as well. The sun will soon be out!! I'd been thinking about getting a bike for a while and finally took the MSF course, which lowers insurance and passes the driving portion of the DMV test. Looking forward to practicing a bit.
My GrandmaMy Grandma passed away on March 7, 2006. I know she was ready to go so that is the positive. Here's some pics I have: We shared the same birthday, so that was always something special only we had... =)
¶ 5:49 PM0 comments
Running Routes around my house There are a few different running routes I can take from my house and a lot of variations based on those. Here are approximate distances of the colored routes Fushia - 5.16 mi Blue - 5.47 mi Yellow - 5.8 mi More useless info for those of you reading this...
¶ 11:43 AM0 comments
random thoughts, pictures, lists, from my head, nothing more necessarily.
currently living in sac, ca. working for water resources. went to ucd in civil, grew up in turlock, ca. there is a lot to say about me, i am constantly redefining myself everyday. i think the things i do define who i am on a certain level. although the more i communicate and interact with others the more i find out about myself. i can be completely happy without interaction with people though. when i run, when i bike, i am completely in my own thoughts, sometimes i just pay attention to my surroundings, other times, my mind is going a million miles a minute. sometimes i have such a big picture perspective, other times i will really focus on something specific. i'll keep living, learning, experiencing...