Friendship - Honesty, Openness, Trust, Communication
I recently came across a quote I had tagged a while back (years ago) in the Wishsong of Shannara (pg 370) and thought it was worth throwing up here:
“We are friends, [ ], and friends do for each other what they see needs to be done. Friendship is a thing sensed inwardly as much as a thing pledged openly. One feels friendship and becomes bound by it. It was this that drew [a friend] to me and gained me his loyalty. I loved him as he loved me, and each of us sensed that in the other. I have sensed it with you as well. We are to be friends, all of us, and if we are to be friends, then we must share both good and bad in our friendship. Your needs become mine.”
“What if my needs are too dangerous to share?”
“All the more reason that they must be shared. And shared with friends. We must help each other if the friendship is to mean anything at all.”
Any arguments to the contrary would have meant nothing because a relationship between them is one of equals, and whose sense of commitment is such that there can be no compromise.
*modified*It made me remember those that are close in my life and how much everyone's friendship means to me. Not to be too sappy, but really.(ref:, then in the search type in 'friendship' and click on pg 370 to see the actual text)Labels: books, quotes, thoughts