  How self-centered am I?
Well, lets see, I have a blog and put pictures up of myself, I work to make money to support myself, I excercise to keep myself in shape, I do things to have fun...the list goes on and on.

One question I usu ask myself to see how wrapped up in my own unverise I am, is: If I won the lottery today, what would I be doing?

My initial response usu is either to quit work or take some time off and find some adventures elsewhere. This tells me a couple of things, not necessarily that I don't like what I'm doing or that what I'm doing isn't fulfilling, but that a sense of adventure lies in the unknown. What would I be doing without the confines of security in a paycheck, would I know anything more about the way the world works, could I enrich my (there's that self-centered word that keeps popping up) life doing other things?

I think one of my personality traits is that I thrive on wanting to do as many things as I can, I don't want to miss out on anything, I want to learn from my mistakes, I want to be challenged, I want to understand everyone I meet. And with the infomation available (internet, tv, radio, pictures, books, etc) and how easy it is to obtain that infomation, there is a never ending supply of things to do and want to get better at.

Back to my question though, what would I do? -- I don't know exactly, but I've got some options in mind. I would probably try to convince some of my closest friends to take some time off from their jobs and for us to experience things together. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally not opposed to the idea of a 'job' at all, there are just restraints assumed with the mention of. I probably wouldn't mind trying out other 'jobs', but initially I'd probably want to learn and experience: let's buy a sail boat and learn to sail for a while, let's get a wakeboard boat and wakeboard until we get bored, let's figure out what peaks we want to climb or hike and do it, let's figure out what sites we haven't seen and go there, let's get our piolt's license, let's get a helicopter piolt's license, let's go scubaing for a while, let's get a place on the beach and surf for a while, let's learn some other languages, let's fly fish, let's deep sea fish, let's take some sweet pictures of nature, sites, people, I could probably go on for a while if I haven't already.

Heck, even taking on new jobs and learning those to the best of my ability and studying different subjects and gaining that experince. I could get a job as a river rafting guide, I could do backpacking trips, I could study philosophy, geography, biology, in depth. Anyway there are endless possiblities but a lot I could probably do right now as well, and believe me I'm trying...

But this leads me to the thought, that hey, all this is pretty focused around me. Which is just nature, I'm looking out for me first usually, right? This leads to another question: Should I be focused around me? Am what I doing in my current job benefiting others? What would be my reason for being a little less self-centered?

All this leads to all sorts of other questions, like doing things that don't produce waste or pollution, am I just a consumer, laying waste to everything I come in contact with, am I looking out for my grandkids (if I have any)....

Food for thought...

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Location: sacramento, California, United States

currently living in sac, ca. working for water resources. went to ucd in civil, grew up in turlock, ca. there is a lot to say about me, i am constantly redefining myself everyday. i think the things i do define who i am on a certain level. although the more i communicate and interact with others the more i find out about myself. i can be completely happy without interaction with people though. when i run, when i bike, i am completely in my own thoughts, sometimes i just pay attention to my surroundings, other times, my mind is going a million miles a minute. sometimes i have such a big picture perspective, other times i will really focus on something specific. i'll keep living, learning, experiencing...

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