Mt Diablo Ride

4 of us got in a good day of climbing in the bay area. We started in Danville and made our way to the top of Mt Diablo. We went up North Gate Rd, then to the summit and decended via South Gate Rd. Many of the links I've seen recommend coming up South Gate Rd and then decending North Gate... Guess we're a little backwards, but what's new?! I think most of the ride is about 6% for about 11mi I want to say, then the last little bit (I've heard ~ 200m, but it feels like a lot more!) is about 13%!!! That's a pretty steep assent! Stats that I kind of remember:
Start: ~1100
Summit: 1308
Finish: ~1530?
Distance: ~40mi for me...
Notes: was a good steady climb, not much relent, but would be really good for climbing training. Also, note to myself, when riding in the winter, wear winter clothes, you can always tie a jacket around your waist if you get too hot, but you can't put on more clothes you don't have. I got to the summit, ~51°, and then gusts of wind ~40mph and I was cold. Then I decended in the shade, that wasn't warm either. =Þ Food notes: I ate a bowl of cherios and a banana in the morning. Then a cliff bar on the drive over. When I got there I was still kind of hungry so I grabbed a bagel with egg and veggies right before the ride. As I rode I just couldn't quite get going. Then about an hour in that thing must have digested, because I felt like I had more energy and drive... The moral of the story is food management is key... Also only had one small bottle of water during the ride and a granola bar, probably need to work on that as well!
Links: bay area rides, cycling, rides, training