Stats: - 365 days in year (52 Sat, 53 Sun) - 205 days worked (Worked 4 Sat in Jan) - 21 Fridays off - 24 days vacation taken - 3 sick days off - 11 Holidays off from work - 56% of days at work
December 2006 Log - 31 days in month (5 sat, 5 sun) - 17 days worked - 2 Fridays off, 1 holiday - .5 days vacation taken - 4 days of vb - 3 times running - 5 times to the gym - 4 times to climbing the climbing gym - 4 times tennis - 7 days biking: • 141.0 mi • 15.2 mph ave
It's the holiday season and I'm home in the area this year! I just wanted to write a quick note to say Merry Christmas. I hope you have a great one and get to spend some really good time with those you care about. I'm hoping to get some hard copy cards out, but if I don't this may have to suffice for now.
I put together a monthly update of what was going on in my life as of late. I can't get my link to work, so ask me and I'll email it to ya. =)
This year started out working in the field and I knew there was going to be some change coming up. For some reason the reoccuring theme this year has been to: 'BE READY!'
I knew that when I came back from the field I needed to be ready. I needed to be ready for the unexpected; I needed to be ready to be open to new people, to new places, to new things; I needed to be ready for opportunity; I needed to be ready for spur of the moment decisions; I needed to be ready for the easy things along with those things that are tough. So I've been ready, I've been willing for anything, but most importantly, I've tried to be ready with a good attitude.
I'm really excited for what next year will bring. I've been ready and so many things have happened. What follows being ready? Maybe performing? I'll see maybe next year will be to perform, maybe it will be refocus, maybe it will be new beginnings, who knows? Only time will tell.
I won't worry about it that's for sure.
Here's a good passage I recall about worrying about tomorrow, check it out if you want. I like it and always try to remember apply what it says.
¶ 10:57 PM1 comments
Puppies!! You want to see a couple of cute puppies? Well, check it out, there are a couple new additions to the house. Trev got him some doggies today. We think they are about 10 or 11 weeks old. He found out about them from one of his co-workers, at whose house they were at for a while. They are still yet to be named, but I'm sure will come soon. So for now the house is in the process of being doggy proofed.
They are supposedly a chow and husky mix. My guesses are below:
Strange to say, but I had my first persimmon this last weekend. At least I don't think I've had one before, they're not too bad, kind of like an apple in a way, but good. That's it, just a persimmony thought...
Mt Diablo Ride 4 of us got in a good day of climbing in the bay area. We started in Danville and made our way to the top of Mt Diablo. We went up North Gate Rd, then to the summit and decended via South Gate Rd. Many of the links I've seen recommend coming up South Gate Rd and then decending North Gate... Guess we're a little backwards, but what's new?! I think most of the ride is about 6% for about 11mi I want to say, then the last little bit (I've heard ~ 200m, but it feels like a lot more!) is about 13%!!! That's a pretty steep assent! Stats that I kind of remember:
Start: ~1100 Summit: 1308 Finish: ~1530? Distance: ~40mi for me...
Notes: was a good steady climb, not much relent, but would be really good for climbing training. Also, note to myself, when riding in the winter, wear winter clothes, you can always tie a jacket around your waist if you get too hot, but you can't put on more clothes you don't have. I got to the summit, ~51°, and then gusts of wind ~40mph and I was cold. Then I decended in the shade, that wasn't warm either. =Þ Food notes: I ate a bowl of cherios and a banana in the morning. Then a cliff bar on the drive over. When I got there I was still kind of hungry so I grabbed a bagel with egg and veggies right before the ride. As I rode I just couldn't quite get going. Then about an hour in that thing must have digested, because I felt like I had more energy and drive... The moral of the story is food management is key... Also only had one small bottle of water during the ride and a granola bar, probably need to work on that as well!
currently living in sac, ca. working for water resources. went to ucd in civil, grew up in turlock, ca. there is a lot to say about me, i am constantly redefining myself everyday. i think the things i do define who i am on a certain level. although the more i communicate and interact with others the more i find out about myself. i can be completely happy without interaction with people though. when i run, when i bike, i am completely in my own thoughts, sometimes i just pay attention to my surroundings, other times, my mind is going a million miles a minute. sometimes i have such a big picture perspective, other times i will really focus on something specific. i'll keep living, learning, experiencing...