The Davis Double Century Ride 2007 (DDC 2007). I was a little nervous, I knew I wasn't really prepared because of the amount of riding I'd been doing. But kev & I did it anyway. We got underway from his house at 5a and we felt ok (we decided that after we did it the first year and our odometers read 199mi instead of 200mi, that we should just start at kev's and get the little extra to push us over the top). We latched on with a group of riders and got pulled into the first rest stop.

before (4:30a, yes, I'm awake & hungry) --- during (@ Famham Ranch, sleeveless shirt & arm warmers, sexy, I know!)
Famham Ranch (RS#1) ~06:15, 26mi
When we got to the rest stop, there were a lot of riders congregated and looking a little confused. We heard that there was a fire up near the next rest stop and that the roads were being closed. So the ride organizers said they would send us in the other direction.
Guinda Fire Station (RS#2) ~07:22, 44mi
We latched onto another big group and got to the next stop pretty quickly. At this point the left side of my back was killing me. I figured out that it was because I had put a new cleat on my left shoe. I adjusted it here and that didn't bother me for the rest of the ride.

kev grabbing a pic while riding --- at the Oasis Rest Stop
Oasis (RS#3) ~09:25, 71mi
Made it here a little slowly but ok.
Lower Lake High School (RS#4) ~10:56, 90mi
I was feeling pretty tired by this point and really starting to know I hadn't been riding enough for this event. We rested a little longer than at the other stops and got underway to do a good climb.
Mt Cobb (my turn around before) ~13:43, 96mi
We started going and I looked over at kev and said if I had any chance of making it back I was going to have to turn around here. Since my odometer was not working, kev told me I was at mile 91, I was good with that. I turned around and started coming back. At this point I did a good job of almost wrecking. While riding along the shoulder, a car was coming up close to me and I got over a little bit more. As I got over I noticed there was a pretty good sized branch in the lane (about 5' long, starting at about a fist sized width, with branches coming out all over it) as I was squeezed right next to both the car and branch (I barely fit) my foot came down and caught in some wire that was wrapped around the brach (I don't know why there was wire on the branch). The branch and wire swung around to my left side and hit my arm and left leg and then got wrapped in my rear tire a bit. Luckily for me I was able to stop and get it out without any significant carnage. =)
Lower Lake High School
I came back and waited for kev to finish the other riding he had to do.

during (@ Lower Lake High School)
Resurrection (RS#7) ~15:46, 115mi
I almost gave up at this point. We got going and found a little group to ride with. I was feeling pretty weak but kept on going. Once we started climbing, I was seriously slow! At one point I got off and waited. I cammed a little more food into me. I was just going to try to get a ride, but finished the climb. I knew the rest was down hill after that.
Guinda Fire Station (RS#8) ~18:14, 142mi
kev and I found another group and cruised into this stop. I was pretty tired but was able to just focus on the wheel in front of me. We took a little longer break here and made our way out again.
during (@ Guinda Fire Station)
Famham Ranch (RS#9) ~19:35, 160mi
We latched back onto the group we found earlier and made it to the ranch. Kev was doing pretty good at this point, somehow he got up in front of the group of about 30 of us and pulled most of the way down hwy 16.
Plainfield Fire Station (RS#10) ~20:33, 175mi
Getting to this stop is always the longest part of the ride it feels like. There's only a couple of handfuls of miles left and you're in the grid of country roads that seem to never end. All you can think about here is that there is chili and grilled cheese sandwiches at the fire station.

Davis High (End) ~21:05, 179mi (then another ~2-3 back to kevs...)
I barely made it back here, but limped in on fumes. Yay!

(ddac - davis double almost completed...)
Check the my old DDC posts, if you want as well.
Stats & Notes:- HR monitor read, 8,889 calories- 4 hr 35 min in 137-156 zone

Labels: cycling, ddc, rides, training