  Food in Sac
Here are a couple of the food sites around sac that I will check out periodically, take a look if you dare:

Edible Sacramento
Sac N&R
Motel Magazine

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  July 2007 Log

- 31 days in month (5 sat, 4 sun)
- 17 days worked
- 2 Fridays off
- 1 days vacation taken
- 4 days of
vb @ rp
- 5 times
- 6 times wakeboarding
- 5 times swimming

- 3 times tennis
- 4 times
- 1 time lifting

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So I've been trying to do a little more swimming lately. And I've still been meaning to try to get in some laps during lunch here at work, there's a public pool nearby (link). My normal workout involves medium-speed laps with some quicker ones mixed in, usu I'll do a couple 100s to warm up, then maybe 4 - 250s, then 5 - 100s, then a couple more 250s, then maybe a couple more 100s, usu totalling around 2000. Also been trying to work on breathing intervals, stroke mechanics, flip turns, and just keeping the goggles on correctly. The more practice I get the more I notice my times are definitely improving. But I'm so slow compared to 'real' swimmers. =) Here's some relative comparisions:

- 0:38 - a quick one for me (although I'm not diving into the pool and I'm making a turn...)
- 0:21.64 - world record

- 1:19 - me
- 0:47.84 - world record

As of today I've got in 16 days of swimming this year, 5 times this month, so I guess that's not a ton, but still it's good to get some time in the water.

Swimmer's World Magazine (workouts)

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  Battle of the Brothers

For Ian's 30th Birthday he decided he wanted to know what it was like to get into a boxing ring and duke it out with someone else. And what better person than his older brother. Sure 30 years of pent up aggression...

I got the invite for this and didn't know what to say except 'Ya, I'm in!' He tried to legitimize it by raising $$ for the Omega Boys Club and actually did a pretty good job of it, I think they got around $3500 total with corporate matching, which is awesome.

When kev and I got there after our bike ride, Ian asked if one of us would be one of the judges while the other one manned the camera. Kev and I ro-sham-bo-ed and I won/lost the honor of judging while kev aquired camera duty. The other judge, got stuck in traffic on the bay bridge coming over (guess it was good we BART'ed in...). The 2 other judges besides me were a Fox Sports Net guy, and a sports writer for the Sac Bee (both connected to Ian via friends/family, etc). Check out the video, if you dare. Pretty crazy stuff!


  Castro Valley Ride
Kev, T$, and I got in a quick ride before Ian & Nancy's 30th bday parties. I liked the route, fun, some good climbs decent roads. Plus I actually felt ok, at least not completely weak. Here's the route (link).

Dist: ~40mi
Speed: 14 mph (still rough because I haven't gotten a new computer yet)
Chrono: 2:53:26
HR: 126 avg, 177 max, 65 min
Cal: 2086
Food Notes: Banana & cliff bar before, cliff bar during, two water bottles of water drunk

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  Company Picnic - 2007
Had the company picnic with the new division on Friday. New faces, good food. Got in a few activities

Some of the people --- me --- more people, the guy in the middle illuminated by the light is my current 'boss'

scenery --- throwing bean bags (mom made 'em) --- more leaves

little vb action...


  Le Tour 2007!

I don't know how much you are into Le Tour de France (TDF) but it's really interesting to follow. There are so many things going on it's unbelievable. You've got races going on for:

- The General Category (GC, Yellow Jersey - aka - maillot jaune ) best aggregate time overall (this is the most prestigious), and you can get time bonuses by finishing in the top of a stage.
- The Points Classification (Sprinters, Green Jersey - aka - maillot vert) - points are awarded at predetermined places on various stages with varying values. For example, the race directors could say the first five riders to mile 70 in stage 5 get points, say 5pts for 1st there, 3pts for second there, and so on. But this makes other little races within the race and makes for a lot of variations in strategy.
- The King of the Mountains (KoM, Polka Dot Jersey - aka - maillot à pois rouges)
- Best Young Rider (White Jersey - aka - maillot blanc) rider under 25 (as of Jan 1 of the tour year) in the highest place
- Overall Team (normally, there are 9 riders on a team) the overall team is determined by adding the best 3 riders times on each stage and the team with the lowest combined time wins.
- Most Aggressive Rider (prix de combativité) - Rider that attacks or does the most to animate the day's racing.

One of the websites I check when looking at cycling stuff is Velo News. They usu have some pretty interesting commentary and you can follow a live race coverage web update with some of their staff covering the race. It's pretty exciting to do it that way and they'll help by explaining a lot of what's going on. If I can't watch it (which I usu can't live because most of the races finish at ~8:30a), I try to wait until the race is almost over and then read the commentary and try to time it with the finish of the stage. Then I can get all the action at once and know when the days stage ends, who's come out on top. =) Plus I like reading the rider diaries which usu has one of the riders in the tour giving their impressions on a given day.

And you've got riders going just for stages wins for various reasons on specific days. Maybe they're good at climbing and it's a hilly stage, maybe they're good on the flats and a good sprinter and think they can out position anyone else. Or maybe they finish in their home town, or heck, I'd like to say I won the stage on Champs-Élysées in Paris, or maybe they're feeling good that day, maybe they don't want another team to get a time bonus, maybe their sponsor just wants a stage win or two, lots of things to vie for. Plus what if there is a crash or what if someone you think could win the race looks really weak one day? Make him pay and lose some time. So many different reasons, and so many different riders with different roles. Makes for a lot of options. Plus now with communications and then on TV they'll show some of the riders cadence (rpms) and heart rates (bpm), which is cool too if you check yours at all as well.

And something else I've missed in the last couple of tours is that the US Postal team is not there anymore, well the USPS just doesn't sponsor a team. I always thought that was so cool, having a team sponsored by the US govt, plus they were so dominant...oh well... there are still a ton of other cool teams.

Other informative links:
Team Page
Course Details
Race Results


World Team Tennis
So I went and volunteered with BBBS at a WWT event in Roseville hosted by the Sacramento Capitals on Wed night (Jul 11). I'd never been to a match like this before (and really I didn't get to see much of it because I was busy manning a station with some other folks). It's a different scoring format than regular tennis, but interesting. There are 5 matches that determine the outcome - Mixed Dbls, Wmns Dbls, Mens Sgls, Wmns Sgls, Mens Dbls. Ea match is played to 5 games. Points are scores by numbers (ie 1, 2, etc) rather than traditionally (love, fifteen, thirty, forty, duce, etc) which is a little weird for me, but ok, I guess. Still an interesting event.


  Matt & Abby & Evan!!
Matt & Abby had Evan Joshua on 7-11. Pretty cool!!


  In Passing
Here's a quote I came across again recently. Thought I'd throw it up here.

Sterling Hayden - In Passing

To be truly challenging, a voyage, like a life, must rest on a firm foundation of financial unrest. Otherwise you are doomed to a routine traverse, the kind known to yachtsmen, who play with their boats at sea - "cruising," it is called. Voyaging belongs to seamen, and to the wanderers of the world who cannot, or will not, fit in. If you are contemplating a voyage and you have the means, abandon the venture until your fortunes change. Only then will you know what the sea is all about.

"I've always wanted to sail to the South Seas, but I can't afford it." What these men can't afford is not to go. They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline of "security." And in the worship of security we fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine - and before we know it our lives are gone.

What does a man need - really need? A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in - and some form of working activity that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That's all - in the material sense. And we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade.The years thunder by. The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it the tomb is sealed.Where, then, lies the answer? In choice. Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?

by Sterling Hayden (1916-1986)


  Running at Work
Here's one of the runs I do at lunch time when I'm at work. A good run to squeeze in at lunch. A little over 5 miles. Link

PR: 40:23 (7.1 min/mi pace) on 7/17

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  Riding into work
Ok, so I'm cutting a little off the ride into work by driving in a little. It gives me a straight 10mi on the American River Trail and then about 4 off to get to work from there. Not too bad and a pretty nice and managable distance. This morning there was a little activity on the ride. I went for a little while and then a guy asked if he could just ride behind me and catch the draft. I said ok, but that I wouldn't be that fast. He got pulled along for a while but then when we got to a little curve he totally wiped out! His face and legs and arms were all bloody. I guess that's why a lot of cyclists don't like it when other people ride with them that they don't know because it could be them they cause to wipe out. He was ok, a bit shaken up though...

Here's the ride (link) using a website on the net.

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random thoughts, pictures, lists, from my head, nothing more necessarily.

My Photo
Location: sacramento, California, United States

currently living in sac, ca. working for water resources. went to ucd in civil, grew up in turlock, ca. there is a lot to say about me, i am constantly redefining myself everyday. i think the things i do define who i am on a certain level. although the more i communicate and interact with others the more i find out about myself. i can be completely happy without interaction with people though. when i run, when i bike, i am completely in my own thoughts, sometimes i just pay attention to my surroundings, other times, my mind is going a million miles a minute. sometimes i have such a big picture perspective, other times i will really focus on something specific. i'll keep living, learning, experiencing...

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