Like a Child Sometimes I let myself get too caught up in life and complications and work and heavy issues and really forget about who I am and what really makes me smile. =) I always try to have a big picture perspective, but really sometimes I've really just got to get back to that kid in me. Why do we always smile when a small child does something? Because it's cute? Because of their attitude? Becasue of their innonence? Or simply because it's pure? I think sometimes I just need to simplify - be young at heart. So before I get too caught up in things I want to accomplish or places I want to go or things I want to do, I've got to remember to be pure at heart. So all those difficult issues, you'll be there tomorrow, but my smile will be here today and to stay! =)=)=)=)
Injury PreventionWell, the days are finally getting longer, but it's still winter and there's still hardly any snow!!! Which means I've been hitting the gym a bit more recently and actually liking the consistency. I love doing everything that I can do outside, I love being on the water, I love biking, I love hiking, I like running, I love skiing, I love playing volleyball, and I love being able to be active. Since I've had a little more time than normal from not heading up the hill every weekend, I've been wanting to focus on injury prevention for the moment. Which lately has been a little more focused on lifting weights and keeping my cardio up. But there are a few things I want to zero in on in the mean time: - Ankles - Knees - Shoulders - Back - Stomach - Neck - Elbow / Bicept I have a feeling this is going to take place a little more often once I switch jobs and won't be playing volleyball at lunch everyday. I plan to do yoga or something of the like maybe 2 days a week and then run or train a little in the interm. Right now I've been doing my homework and putting together my study sheets with information regarding each of my target areas, hopefully to contain diagrams, information, and exercises. Don't know why I'm really throwing this information up here in this media, but again, it's my page (party) and I can cry if I want to. =) If you've got any thoughts or suggestions or links you want to send my way, feel free.
Friendship - Honesty, Openness, Trust, CommunicationI recently came across a quote I had tagged a while back (years ago) in the Wishsong of Shannara (pg 370) and thought it was worth throwing up here:
“We are friends, [ ], and friends do for each other what they see needs to be done. Friendship is a thing sensed inwardly as much as a thing pledged openly. One feels friendship and becomes bound by it. It was this that drew [a friend] to me and gained me his loyalty. I loved him as he loved me, and each of us sensed that in the other. I have sensed it with you as well. We are to be friends, all of us, and if we are to be friends, then we must share both good and bad in our friendship. Your needs become mine.”
“What if my needs are too dangerous to share?”
“All the more reason that they must be shared. And shared with friends. We must help each other if the friendship is to mean anything at all.”
*modified* Any arguments to the contrary would have meant nothing because a relationship between them is one of equals, and whose sense of commitment is such that there can be no compromise. *modified*
It made me remember those that are close in my life and how much everyone's friendship means to me. Not to be too sappy, but really.
January 2007 Log - 31 days in month (4 sat, 4 sun) - 17 days worked - 2 Fridays off, 2 holidays - 2 sick days taken - 10 days of vb @ rp - 2 vb classes on Mon nights - 4 times running - 5 times to the gym - 1 times to climbing the climbing gym - 1 time tennis - 1 time wakeboarding
- 10 days biking: • 238.5 total mi • 16.4 mph ave • 133.7 work mi • 17.3 work mph ave • 104.8 non-work mi • 15.3 non-work mph ave
Caution: Changes AheadIt's official, the word is out: I'll be starting a new job soon. Looks like my last day at my current job will be Feb 9th. I will still be at the California Dept of Water Resources, but I will now be working in power rather than construction engineering projects.
This is a change in direction as far as work exposure and projects worked on. But a good change and I'm interested to see where it goes. I said 2006 was the year to 'BE READY' well, this year has started on a change. I knew for a while that this is something I may have been pursuing. The boss that hired me into the enigineering position at DWR completed his MBA at UC Davis, then proceeded to work his way around (working in the executive wing, then in the federal side of things, back over to executive, then they liked his work and knowledge so much, the govenor appointed deputy decided to create a new branch within DWR to analyze and put forth a businees plan to keep the dept competitive in the energy game especially after the power crisis a couple of years ago as we were the only state agency that was able to enter into any of the power contracts on behalf of the state) and after talking with him I thought it would be a great way to continue to work with great people and expand my knowledge more into the businees side of things. I've been thinking about the posibility of going for my MBA for a little while now and I think this will give me a lot of great exposure to make a bit more of an edcuated decision on that.
So my new fancy-smancy title will be: Assoicate Hydro Electric Power Engineer. The position will entail a lot of the many facets of the power industry. We actively enter into power contracts, both for the long and short term, and in a variety of different arenas to supply our power. The contracts are also based in the policy of California's politics and how the assembly and senate decide our power goals should be. For instance we stay away from a lot of the higher polluting sources and try to maintain a higher percentage of cleaner sources while looking out for the states economics.
My position is brand spanking new, and I'll be working with our portfolio of contracts and actively engaging in the power market as well as looking for possible changes to our system to optimize our use and disribution of. An current example was a small reservoir we put in up in the grape vine. This reservoir gives us flexibility when we pump water up the hill, we are able to purchase power during off-peak use and then generate during the high-demand, higher profit timeframes.
Anyway, I may plan to take a little time off in between assignments, so if you've got any good ideas of things to do, places to go, books to read, let me know. And pray for snow!!!
Have you ever google'd yourself? Do you find out anything about yourself? Is it insightful at all?
I think I found links to: - ultimate team I was on in college {1} - racquetball team I was on in college {1} - reference to info I provided regarding an engineering competition in college {1} - organized runs I've done {1} {2} - organized bike rides I've done {1} {2} - triathlons I've done - article with my dad's name in it {1} - questions I've posted to a CADD website {1} - IM sports I played in college
If that's what the internet knows about me, that's ok, things could definitely be worse...
2006 Driving Recap Here are a few stats from driving my car in 2006: ~mileage: 82,500 2006 miles: ~7,500 by me Make: Honda Model: Accord Year: 1999 Not too many problems with my baby this year, she seems to be holding up just fine. Gets me around just fine. According to the EPA it's about average to put ~231 mi/wk on a vehicle in the US, which translates to 12,000 miles a year. Guess I'm down a little bit on that right now. Not too shabby. (ref:
Puppies are getting bigger! The puppies are definitely getting bigger. They run around all day and wrestle with each other and sleep. They are still super cute and a lot of fun. They need some training but they're starting to learn a few things. =)
Kev and I went for another ride this weekend. There just has been no snow, and it's hard to justify heading up the hill to grind on our skis. We'll keep praying for some snow to fall though. But since we haven't been getting up to ski, we have been getting in some rides instead. Unheard of to be riding up in Placerville area at this time of year, but we did it. On Sunday the winds down in Sac area were around 20 mph, so we decided to head up and get in another loop in the Apple Hill region. I'm really glad we did because it was georgous up there! A great short ride we put in. Stats: Distance: 26.61 mi Start: 1323 Finish: 1512 Riding Time: 1:45 Avg Speed: 15.1 mph Max Speed: 39.9 mph Wind: W 7 Temp: 55° Food consumption: 1 granola bar, 1 bottle of water Prefood notes: cheerios, banana, muffin Riding Notes: We had done a similar ride back on Oct 22, but had taken a slightly different route. I liked the route we did this time a bit better. This was the basic description of the route: - start Mosiquito Rd, veer onto Union Ridge Rd, Left on Hassler Rd, left on Hidden Valley / N Canyon Rd (we had taken a right here before...), left on Larsen Dr, Rt on Cable, rt on Carson Rd, lft on Snows Rd, which turns into Newtown Rd, rt on Pleasant Valley Rd, Rt on Cedar Ravine Rd, rt on Main St, lft back onto Mosquito Rd. We could have added a little bit more by turning on Quarry Rd off of Cedar Ravine, but just kept heading on Cedar Ravine.
Kev, Matty, and I went for a ride over in the bay area today. Kev and I met Matty over at his place in Berkeley and started and finished the ride from there. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather from being sick, but made it through the ride ok. I loved Kev's comment that we were chasing the sun as we were finishing up the ride. On our decent back down into Berkeley we could see a really nice siloette off the hills and Golden Gate Bride across the bay. I can see how you could fall in love with the Bay area. There are a ton of people. But there's also a ton of stuff to do, a ton of character, tons of good food, and great scenery. Stats: Distance: 42.60 mi Start: 1440 Finish: little after 1800 Riding Time: 3:03 Avg Speed: 14.2 mph Max Speed: 38.1 mph Food consumption: 1 cliff bar, 1 bottle of water Prefood notes: Banana, Jamba, bagel Riding Notes: We did the 3 bears loop, the direction we went you hit the mama bear, then papa, then baby bear hills. The climb at Wildcat is harder and longer, but not bad. I'm glad I learned a little bit about winter riding from the last ride we did at Mt Diablo, because I almost started the ride again without my jacket. And this has been a few of the coldest days of the year so far. And as soon as we got on the other side of the ridge, away from the bay, the temp dropped probably a quick 10 deg. It was very cold as we were finishing. I had booties on and I know my feet were cold! A good and fun ride though. Also, this ride touched close to the ride we did from Lafayette on Apr 1, 2006.
A Number GameWho wants to play a number game with me? Read along if you wish: Givens: - 365 days in 2006 - 52 Saturdays, 53 Sundays - 12 holidays given off per year (conservative est. for a business) - 15 vacation days given (generalization again) - 12 sick days given
Let's say a person uses all that time off in a year: That gives us 365 - 52 - 53 - 12 - 15 - 12 = 221 days worked per year
Let's also say: - 8 hr normal work day - 1 hr lunch - 1 hr total commute time
That yields: ( 221 x 10 ) / ( 365 x 24 ) = 25% of time in a year committed to working
Let me say normal time dedicated to sleep (weather that's getting ready for or tossing and turning, etc) is 8 hrs, which is 33% of the time in a year.
So, on average a person spends 25% + 33% = 58% of their time either working or sleeping.
That only leaves 42% of the rest of their time to spend with friends and family and doing other activities or directed attention towards other things.
Makes me think that I better choose wisely where I spend my time.
¶ 9:14 AM0 comments
2006-2007 Kings Games I went toI've been fortunate to go to some games this year
Nov 15 - vs Memphis Grizzlies - W 115-111(w kev, trev, shelton)
Nov 19 - vs San Antonio Spurs - L 99-108(w kev, fig, shelton)
Dec 10 - vs Atlanta Hawks - W 117-92 (w kev, trev, shelton)
Dec 16 - vs Phoenix Suns - L 98-105 (w ?, trev, shelton?)
Jan 13 - vs Houston Rockets - L 111-115 (OT)(w kev, jess, holly)
Mar 08 - vs San Antonio Spurs - L 93-100(w kev, trev, nichola)
2007 Books ListHere's some of the books I'm either starting or have read this year:
The Alchemist by Paul Coelho The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom (started 2/9/07 - finished 2/16/07) Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford (sitting by my bed 2/7/07, started 2/19/07, half way thru 2/27/07) Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Bergreen (sitting by my bed 2/9/07) The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seierstad (sitting by my bed 2/5/07) The Lance Armstrong Performance Program by Armstrong & Chris Carmichael (sitting by my bed 1/30/07)
Link to my Compete Biking Page (at least as long as I've been keeping track)
As of 06/09/2007: Total Milage = 734.6 mi (Tour de France 2006 was 2272 mi) Average Speed = 16.1 mph (2006 TDF Avg Spd for Fylod Landis was 25.3 mph) Maximum Average Speed = 19.3 mph on 01/03/07 Longest Ride = DDC - 182 on 5/19(the longest stage in the 2006 TDF was Stage 13, 143.5 mi), (2nd), (3rd)
Jan = 238.5 mi, 16.4 mph avg Feb = 22.1 mi, 17.7 mph avg Mar = 147.3 mi, 17.5 mph avg
This season started out very slow with a bleak outlook for snow. I didn't get up the hill and actually skiied for the first time this season on Feb 14! They also changed the vertical plus thing on the season pass, so instead of scanning in each time you're getting on the lift you just do it at the beginning. This isn't as beneficial for us who hit a lot of runs, so getting this bonus feature is less attractive for us now.
Stats (as of 08/01/07): - 365 days in year (52 Sat, 52 Sun) - 133 days worked - 18Fridays off - 13 days vacation taken - 6 sick days off - 6 Holidays off from work - 55% of days at work
pbh4 Wakeboarding Here's a little page for wakeboarding stuff. I remember doing water sports a little growing up. My uncle had a jet boat for a while and I remember getting dragged behind it for a little while on a knee board and tube. Then maybe even tried water skiing a little. I remember not really liking being in the water where I couldn't see what was in there with me, I think I was a little scared. But since then I've gone a bit more and developed a little love for the water, especially here in CA when the summers get so hot! Wakeboarding came on the scene and I probably started going a little sporadicly once I got to college. I recall trying one time on an old Ski Natique in Don Pedro when I was in jr high or high school. All that I remember was briefly standing up and then heading directly to the side because I was so used to water skiing. My uncle got me a board at some point, maybe in 2001 or so and I started trying that out on his boat. Since then I've gained a little experience and it's hard getting me to stop. =)
Seasons: 2004 - and before - a little and liked it 2005 - going quite a bit and liking it 2006 - a lot of wakeboarding Bodies of Water in CA I've Wakeboarded/Skiied on: Sacramento River Lake Tahoe Shasta Lake Lake Berryessa Folsom Lake Bass Lake (near Oakhurst) Delta - Acker Island (Lost Isle), Grizzly Bay, etc Don Pedro Pine Flat Reservoir Camanche Reservoir New Hogan Reservoir Turlock Lake Mission Bay (Jet skiied here)
Other Bodies of Water I've been to but don't think I've boarded or skiied on: New Malones Lake Lake Almanor Lake Oroville Clear Lake
currently living in sac, ca. working for water resources. went to ucd in civil, grew up in turlock, ca. there is a lot to say about me, i am constantly redefining myself everyday. i think the things i do define who i am on a certain level. although the more i communicate and interact with others the more i find out about myself. i can be completely happy without interaction with people though. when i run, when i bike, i am completely in my own thoughts, sometimes i just pay attention to my surroundings, other times, my mind is going a million miles a minute. sometimes i have such a big picture perspective, other times i will really focus on something specific. i'll keep living, learning, experiencing...